I. drop. everything.
Well, all breakable things, I mean. Specifically, electronics.
Cell phone. Dropped it.
Zune. Dropped it too.
Camera. Let it fall off a bus seat. It was in my backpack but still broken.
Needless to say, that's left me without a good camera option. And the Droid I was so hoping would be a convenient option messed up my SC card. Even the Droid was dropped on the road before my little bro recovered it for me.
My fancy shmancy new laptop has a webcam (so thankful), but it's not exactly portable for all the candid moments.
I love my rooftop for reading and devos and the awesome view across the city and the mountains all around. I so wish I could share pictures of that with you. Of a recent rainbow that filled the sky; one of the brightest and long lasting rainbows I've ever seen. Or of the breathtaking sunset I enjoyed a few days ago.
Yet without a camera, I'm learning to enjoy those moments. It's so easy for me to get so busy taking a picture that I forget to really enjoy what I am photography. I'm learning to slow down and appreciate the beauty and remember why I love sunsets and rainbow. I'm reminded to thank God for such blessings, for all the little things that He knows specifically fill my heart with joy.
I'm learning to just let it be a moment between me and Him.
So, I encourage you to put down the camera. Enjoy the moment and be present with your Creator.
I felt exactly like this after my camera was stolen in March last year! God provided another one when I asked Him to, though! But it was a good lesson!