Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This and That

1.  I've started reading Revelations this past week during my devo time.  Revelations is one of those books that I've never been super excited about reading. Probably because I don't understand it that well.  But I've been reading through the New Testament and finally made it to Revelation. While I've been reading I've noticed there's a good number of verses in the first few chapters that praise God.  Those have been a good reminder and blessing to me this past week.

2. We recently had a staff member return to the States for medical reasons. I've been moved from substitute teacher to SST, what we call special ed here. I now have a weekly schedule rotating 17 kids for pull out sessions. I'm slowing getting used to everything, but I'm super excited to have my own schedule and students. I've only been in SST about 9 days so I can't tell you much yet, but keep an eye out for updates. I've spent the first few days trying not to be overwhelming as I go through all the materials the students had been using.  I'm getting close to having a basic idea of what I'll be doing each week. I'm so blessed to be in this new position and have an opportunity to build deeper relationships with these students.

3. Huelga, again. This is the second time in as many weeks.  Last weeks was a strike of the transportation industry so taxis and other forms of public transportation weren't running.  Tomorrow may be the start of a two or three day commerce strike meaning stores would be closed.  So far neither strike has closed school, but we're still all hoping we can get a little break out of this.

Finally, since I'm obsessed with Spanish worship music....here's my latest obsession: Evan Craft with Spanish versions of Christ Tomlin's Awake My Soul and Hillsong's Oceans. Disfruta!

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